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2024 Toyota Venza

2024 Toyota Venza

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The Toyota Venza is highly competitive among similar cars, particularly in the hybrid midsize SUV category. It ranks first out of eleven in terms of affordability, making it the most cost-effective choice in its class. This suggests that it offers excellent value for money, with a lower price point than other hybrid midsize SUVs. Additionally, the Venza holds its value well, ranking third out of twelve for resale value. This indicates that it is a sound investment, likely to retain a significant portion of its original cost when resold. Overall, the Toyota Venza's strong performance in these rankings demonstrates its superior economic value and financial longevity compared to other hybrid midsize SUVs.

2024 Toyota Venza Ratings

Toyota Venza (hybrid)
Overall Score: 8.7 / 10
Reliability: 8.9 / 10
Retained Value: 8.1 / 10
Safety: 9.0 / 10

Toyota Venza Depreciation and Resale Value

Toyota Venza (hybrid)
$ Depreciation: $14,188
% Depreciation: 40.5%
% Residual Value: 59.5%
$ Resale Value: $20,882
% Typical All Hybrid Midsize SUVs Depreciation: 40.2%
All Hybrid Midsize SUVs Depreciation Range: 34.7% - 56.9%
See more data on Toyota Venza resale value

2024 Toyota Venza Rankings

Toyota Venza (hybrid)
#1 of 11 in Most Affordable Hybrid Midsize SUVs
#1 of 7 in Best Hybrid SUVs Under $40k
#1 of 7 in Best Hybrid Crossover SUVs Under $40k
#1 of 3 in Best Hybrid Midsize SUVs Under $40k
#1 of 1 in Best Hybrid Crossover SUVs for Teens
#1 of 1 in Best Hybrid Midsize SUVs for Teens
#1 of 1 in Best Hybrid SUVs for Teens
#3 of 27 in Best Hybrid Crossover SUVs
#3 of 12 in Best Family Hybrid Midsize SUVs
#4 of 32 in Most Reliable Hybrid SUVs
#4 of 32 in Best Family Hybrid SUVs
#4 of 27 in Best Family Hybrid Crossover SUVs
#4 of 12 in Best Hybrid Midsize SUVs
#4 of 12 in Hybrid Midsize SUVs with Best Resale Value
#5 of 32 in Best Hybrid SUVs
#6 of 27 in Hybrid Crossover SUVs with Best Resale Value
#8 of 32 in Hybrid SUVs with Best Resale Value
#8 of 12 in Best Off-road Hybrid Midsize SUVs
#9 of 30 in Most Affordable Hybrid SUVs
#9 of 26 in Most Affordable Hybrid Crossover SUVs
#10 of 32 in Safest Hybrid SUVs
#12 of 27 in Best Off-road Hybrid Crossover SUVs
#12 of 12 in Hybrid Midsize SUVs with the Most Cargo Space
#12 of 12 in Hybrid Midsize SUVs with the Most Horsepower
#12 of 12 in Best Hybrid Midsize SUVs for Tall People
#12 of 12 in Most Comfortable Hybrid Midsize SUVs
#12 of 12 in Hybrid Midsize SUVs with the Most Legroom
#16 of 32 in Best Gas Mileage Hybrid SUVs
#16 of 32 in Best Off-road Hybrid SUVs
#18 of 27 in Hybrid Crossover SUVs with the Most Horsepower
#21 of 27 in Hybrid Crossover SUVs with the Most Legroom
#22 of 27 in Best Hybrid Crossover SUVs for Tall People
#22 of 27 in Most Comfortable Hybrid Crossover SUVs
#23 of 32 in Hybrid SUVs with the Most Horsepower
#23 of 27 in Hybrid Crossover SUVs with the Most Cargo Space
#25 of 32 in Best Hybrid SUVs for Tall People
#25 of 32 in Hybrid SUVs with the Most Legroom
#26 of 32 in Hybrid SUVs with the Most Cargo Space
#26 of 32 in Most Comfortable Hybrid SUVs

2024 Toyota Venza Trims

Trim Engine Drive Train MSRP
AWD LE 4dr Crossover 4 Cylinder AWD 35070
AWD XLE 4dr Crossover 4 Cylinder AWD 39280
AWD Nightshade Edition 4dr Crossover 4 Cylinder AWD 39980
AWD Limited 4dr Crossover 4 Cylinder AWD 43215

Used Car Pricing

Toyota Venza (hybrid)

Here's what the prices look like for a used Toyota Venza (hybrid) for different model years. A 3-year-old used Toyota Venza (hybrid) averages $31,458.

Model Year (Age) Avg Used Car Price
2024 Toyota Venza (hybrid) (1 year old) $37,036
2023 Toyota Venza (hybrid) (2 years old) $32,090
2022 Toyota Venza (hybrid) (3 years old) $31,458

Toyota Venza Cars for Sale