Over 7 million iVIN reports have helped our users so far.
We analyze the data.
You get the results.
Over 7 million iVIN reports have helped our users so far.
We analyze the data. You get the results.
Find the Best Plan For You
Find the Best Plan For You
iVIN Free
$0 Per MonthUp to 5 Reports
- Instant access from any device
- Android app VIN scan
- iOS app VIN scan
- Desktop and mobile lookup
- Chrome extension for VINs on any website
- In-depth car info
- Safety ratings
- Basic features
- Stolen car check
- Open recall check
- Title/lien info check
- Listing history
- Key car-buying analysis
- Market value analysis
- Mileage analysis
- Days on market analysis
- Dealer scorecard
- Depreciation analysis
- Similar cars comparison
- Similar cars supply
- Best time to buy analysis
- Local market trends
- Local vehicle sales trends
- Key pricing and market data
- Competitor analysis
- Local dealer sales trends
CARFAX report integration
Your own CARFAX subscription required
- VHR and data integration
- Pricing and others coming soon
iVIN Lite
Up to 50 Reports
- Instant access from any device
- Android app VIN scan
- iOS app VIN scan
- Desktop and mobile lookup
- Chrome extension for VINs on any website
- In-depth car info
- Safety ratings
- Basic features
- Stolen car check
- Open recall check
- Title/lien info check
- Listing history
- Key car-buying analysis
- Market value analysis
- Mileage analysis
- Days on market analysis
- Dealer scorecard
- Depreciation analysis
- Similar cars comparison
- Similar cars supply
- Best time to buy analysis
- Local market trends
- Local vehicle sales trends
- Key pricing and market data
- Competitor analysis
- Local dealer sales trends
CARFAX report integration
Your own CARFAX subscription required
- VHR and data integration
- Pricing and others coming soon
iVIN Pro
No Limit on Reports
- Instant access from any device
- Android app VIN scan
- iOS app VIN scan
- Desktop and mobile lookup
- Chrome extension for VINs on any website
- In-depth car info
- Safety ratings
- Basic features
- Stolen car check
- Open recall check
- Title/lien info check
- Listing history
- Key car-buying analysis
- Market value analysis
- Mileage analysis
- Days on market analysis
- Dealer scorecard
- Depreciation analysis
- Similar cars comparison
- Similar cars supply
- Best time to buy analysis
- Local market trends
- Local vehicle sales trends
- Key pricing and market data
- Competitor analysis
- Local dealer sales trends
CARFAX report integration
Your own CARFAX subscription required
- VHR and data integration
- Pricing and others coming soon
Why iVIN Reports?
Answer key questions
Our analysis reveals what you should know before buying.
Comprehensive data
Learn way more than just the vehicle history that's in other reports.
Access anywhere
Scan VINs with our free mobile apps and do online lookups.
Vehicle History
Reports are free when provided by dealers and sellers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are iVIN reports different than CARFAX and other VIN reports?
Yes, they are. iVIN reports have the most comprehensive car data, providing way more info than what's in a typical vehicle history report. The info in the reports answers all the key questions that car buyers might have. iVIN Pro also comes with extra dealer reports that use big-data analytics to help you (1) find the best cars to buy in your market and (2) set the most competitive pricing. iVIN Pro's comprehensive market analysis beats typical VIN checkers with useful data like:
- Price analysis to determine fair market value
- Selling history for pricing, dates and locations
- Dealer analysis and industry comparison
- Depreciation analysis over 1, 3 and 5 years
- Supply analysis within the local market
- Best times to buy and sell
- Theft record checks
- Open recalls checks
- Free title/lien info, depending on the state DMV
- Vehicle history reports where provided by dealers
- Retail demand and inventory analysis for a dealer's local market area
Can I see a sample report?
Yes, you can see a sample iVIN report here.
Do I get free CarFax reports when I sign up?
The answer is yes and no.
Yes, you can get a free CarFax report when the seller or dealer provides it, which a high number on our site do. When it's available, you'll see the words "Free CARFAX Report" listed in the iVIN Report summary (right under the Free recall and free theft check).
If the seller doesn't provide the CarFax, then it won't be available but you will see a link to the CarFax site in the Accident & Vehicle History section, which gives you the option to purchase it directly from CarFax.
We don't currently offer CarFax subscriptions, but iVIN Reports do offer in-depth pricing analysis, selling history, car specs, key research, and lots more to help you with vehicle research.
What are your plans? How many reports do I get?
The number of reports you get depends on your plan. (Any unused reports don't rollover to the next month.)
- iVIN Free - Up to 5 iVIN reports per month.
- iVIN Lite - Up to 50 iVIN reports per month.
- iVIN Pro - Unlimited iVIN reports per month. Plus local market trend reports, the Dealer Inventory Pricing Tool, CarFax and other report integration, and more features.
Don't see what you're looking for? Please contact us for any special needs or enterprise plan info.
Can I get a discount for a full-year subscription?
Since we just launched, all of our current subscriptions are by the month. But an annual discount will be available in the future. Please email us for help, if you're interested now
Once I choose a plan, can I change to a different plan?
Definitely! You can change your plan anytime.
If you're downgrading, your new plan and subscription rate will start at the end of your current billing cycle. If you're upgrading, your new plan and subscription rate will start immediately. And a prorated amount for the days left in your previous plan will be credited to your account.
What is your cancellation policy? Can I get a refund?
If you decide to cancel, your plan will be active until the end of your current billing cycle. You'll be able to access all of your remaining iVIN reports until then. Sorry, no partial or prorated refunds are available.
How do I cancel my plan?
You can cancel your subscription by going to your Account Info and clicking on the "Cancel" link
How do I see my saved iVIN reports?
Saved VIN reports can be viewed on the "My VINs" page in the VIN section of our website. On the app, saved VIN reports can be accessed via the menu tab.
Why isn't your VIN barcode scan working for a specific car?
All scannable VINs will contain a barcode or QR code. If the VIN on a windshield isn't scanning, you can try the door sill. Please make sure the barcode isn't ripped. If it still doesn't scan, you can manually enter the VIN.
iVIN reports support all vehicles sold in the U.S. starting in 1981, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standardized how VINs are assigned.
Does this work in Canada?
No, sorry. iVIN reports are currently available just for U.S. VINs.
What Other iVIN Users Are Saying
Choose 5, 50 or Unlimited iVIN Reports
No contract. Cancel anytime.