Kolar Hyundai in Adolph, MN
Dealer Analysis
0 Cars for sale
Avg. Price: $19,614
Typical Price Range: $10,999–$26,385
Average Savings ($) Below Market Price
Avg. Savings: N/A
% of Used Cars That Are Deals
Avg. Mileage: 80,290
Typical Mileage Range: 50,273–102,296
% of Listings with Valid Price, Mileage, and Photo
- This Dealer
- Average Dealer
Kolar Hyundai is not given a rating because there isn't enough information. In general, the overall dealer rating is a measure of the dealer's price competitiveness compared to other dealers and its information transparency which measures how good a dealer is in providing basic information about each vehicle such as photos, price and mileage.
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