The Chevrolet Spark performs quite well in comparison to similar cars, particularly in the American market. It ranks highly in the Hatchbacks category, securing the 3rd position out of 4. In the Small Cars category, it holds a respectable 5th place out of 7. The Spark truly shines in the Subcompact Cars category, where it has achieved the top ranking, standing at 1st place out of 5. This suggests that the Chevrolet Spark is a strong contender in its class, especially in the subcompact segment.
2022 Chevrolet Spark Ratings
Chevrolet Spark |
Overall Score:
7.9 / 10
7.1 / 10
Retained Value:
8.6 / 10
Not available yet
Chevrolet Spark Reliability Rating
Chevrolet Spark hatchback |
Reliability Score:
7.9 / 10
Average Lifespan (years):
Average Lifespan (miles):
123,653 miles
Typical Miles Driven per Year:
9,502 miles
Probability of Reaching 200k Miles:
See more data on
Chevrolet Spark reliability
2022 Chevrolet Spark Rankings
2022 Chevrolet Spark Trims
Used Car Pricing
Chevrolet Spark |
Here's what the prices look like for a used Chevrolet Spark for different model years.
A 3-year-old used Chevrolet Spark averages $14,161
while a 5-year-old used Chevrolet Spark is $12,722.
Model Year (Age) |
Avg Used Car Price |
2023 Chevrolet Spark (2 years old)
2022 Chevrolet Spark (3 years old)
2021 Chevrolet Spark (4 years old)
2020 Chevrolet Spark (5 years old)
2019 Chevrolet Spark (6 years old)
2018 Chevrolet Spark (7 years old)
2017 Chevrolet Spark (8 years old)
2016 Chevrolet Spark (9 years old)
2015 Chevrolet Spark (10 years old)
Popular Chevrolet Spark Comparisons
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