The Jaguar E-PACE performs well in comparison to similar luxury subcompact SUVs. It ranks highly for towing capacity, coming in 3rd out of 13, indicating its strong performance and power. It also fares well in terms of affordability, ranking 4th out of 7 for luxury subcompact SUVs under $50k, making it a relatively cost-effective choice in the luxury market. In terms of reliability, it ranks in the middle, at 5th out of 13, suggesting it is a dependable choice, but there may be more reliable options available. Overall, the Jaguar E-PACE is a strong contender in its category, offering a good balance of power, affordability, and reliability.
2024 Jaguar E-PACE Ratings
Jaguar E-PACE |
Overall Score:
7.1 / 10
6.7 / 10
Retained Value:
7.4 / 10
Not available yet
Jaguar E-PACE Depreciation and Resale Value
Jaguar E-PACE |
% Typical All Luxury Subcompact SUVs Depreciation:
All Luxury Subcompact SUVs Depreciation Range:
45.5% - 53%
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Jaguar E-PACE resale value
2024 Jaguar E-PACE Rankings
Used Car Pricing
Jaguar E-PACE |
Here's what the prices look like for a used Jaguar E-PACE for different model years.
A 3-year-old used Jaguar E-PACE averages $32,837
while a 5-year-old used Jaguar E-PACE is $24,605.
Model Year (Age) |
Avg Used Car Price |
2023 Jaguar E-PACE (2 years old)
2022 Jaguar E-PACE (3 years old)
2021 Jaguar E-PACE (4 years old)
2020 Jaguar E-PACE (5 years old)
2019 Jaguar E-PACE (6 years old)
Popular Jaguar E-PACE Comparisons
Popular Jaguar E-PACE Model Year Comparisons
Jaguar E-PACE SUVs for Sale