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2008 Nissan Xterra Price

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2008 Nissan Xterra base price starts at $21,130 to $28,630. Invoice price goes from $20,034 to $26,827.

Style Invoice MSRP Destination Charge Gas Guzzler Tax
4x2 S 4dr SUV 5A 22444 23680 745 0
4x2 S 4dr SUV 6M 21688 22880 745 0
4x2 X 4dr SUV 6M 20034 21130 745 0
4x2 X 4dr SUV 5A 20790 21930 745 0
4x2 SE 4dr SUV 5A 24957 26630 745 0
4x4 Off-Road 4dr SUV 6M 24675 26330 745 0
4x4 S 4dr SUV 6M 23579 24880 745 0
4x4 S 4dr SUV 5A 24336 25680 745 0
4x4 X 4dr SUV 6M 21972 23180 745 0
4x4 X 4dr SUV 5A 22729 23980 745 0
4x4 SE 4dr SUV 5A 26827 28630 745 0
4x4 Off-Road 4dr SUV 5A 25611 27330 745 0